Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Don't it make your red eyes blue?

You may have heard that the confederates lost control of the house of representatives today, and are very close to losing the senate as well. Regardless of your political leanings this is a significant shift in US politics. So what is the most viewed story on CNN?

The most emailed story on the new york times website:

Well, that's interesting.


Anonymous said...

And who said Americans weren't switched onto the important issues facing there nation today?

Anonymous said...

And I wish I knew the correct useage of the word their. There is a novel concept. So they're not the only ones who aren't switched on.

I feel better now.

Anonymous said...

Oh moistie, there there.

Hi dudes, by the way...I have subscribed to your blog.

Swamp Boy said...

Hi nirvanarama - welcome and have a great week this week!