By popular request from a number of our Aussie 'South of the Border' friends who missed the big day - I am posting some snapshots.
To rehash the story, Swamp Boy took me at sunset to the highest point in our former Western desert thriving metropolis and poped the question complete with stunning diamond. We had of course gone shopping for this on the previous day when we had booked the reception centre.
The day before the wedding was wet and very miserable. We had planned a big pre-wedding get together with all of our family and friends from 'South of the Border' and beyond. This meant 50 people jammed into our lilypad. At least everyone had to chat and meet the people that they pressed up against. Swamp Boy and I had a great time and both agree it meant that come the end of the shindig we felt we had actually managed to talk one-on-one with all of those that had travelled vast distances to come to our day.
The big day arrived. The sky was blue, the sun was shining and Gator Girl had 4 hours of preparation time ahead of her for the big day. This is way more that I have patience for, but it all worked a treat - if I do say so myself! My Bridesmaids - Aussie Bruce and Cousin Bec looked sensational!
We gals arrived in spectacular fashion - in Swamp Boy's Cousins boat! Then the rest of the day is fairly self explanatory - a ceremony (where both SB and I forgot our vows - should really have practiced them in advance....), photos, drinks, food, drinks, dancing and then more drinks back at our lilypad.
So anyway - to the photos!

The boat!

The Brideslaves (o:

The Kiss
ok, so where are the shots of me then? not that it's all about me....
i am no good at this, the anonymous comment was from me.
Hi guys,
I'm actually glad that there were no photos of me!
Thanks for your note, understand that you guys can't make it out for our shindig, and I'll make sure the best man has a couple of extra drinks for Swamp Boy at said shindig and prior volcboy-anic event :-)
I'll do my best to make up for your absence, Swamp Boy. I'll also try not to wander around naked.
At least I'm not staying in a hotel this time around.
I think a hickey free wedding for volcboy would be good all round moistie.
No nakedness or hickeys this time around. I did manage to keep many of Nirvanarama's friends awake most the night prior to the wedding through my snoring.
We did drink a fair bit of beer, including the lions share of the Chimay. Hassle volcboy to put the bucks party photos onto his blog.
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