Part 2 of this post has been a while in coming, but I'm pointing the finger directly at Microsoft - one complete computer rebuild later, I'm ready to continue posting. Recommendation: DO NOT USE VISTA. I should have bought a Mac & a Wii......
Ok, now where were we? Oh yeah, in Moab where they have decent coffee and free dirt.
That evening we headed up into Arches national park towards dusk. After about a 1/2 hour hike from the car, you reach the top of the sandstone ridge where you find the quite stunning Delicate Arch. From a distance it does look quite delicate, but up close it's a pretty solid piece of rock.
Supposedly towards dusk the arch changes colour many times, so while we were waiting for the sun to set Gator Girl got snap happy and took many photos. I'll leave it to you to decide whether or not the colour change is significant.
By the way, that's me (Swamp Boy) underneath the arch in the 3rd picture. Taking lots of photos of the same thing over an hour or so can get boring, so what do you do when you're bored? Well if you're Gator Girl, you take photos of lots of other things.
You know, looking back through these photos has been a very entertaining experience. Gator Girl + boredom + camera = entertainment.
I mentioned last post we were staying about 10 miles out of town in some cabins. There's a bunch of reasons that we really liked them.
The next day was supposed to be our rest day. However only the Purple Homme was the only one of the group who actually understood the concept of rest. Gator Girl, Violet Femme and I hired mountain bikes and went on a slickrock mountain bike tour. It was seriously hard work out there. The trail ran basically uphill the whole way, with lots of high frequency ups and downs which were seemingly designed to give everyone carpel tunnel.
For some reason I get very excited by dinosaurs, can't think why.
Other odd things we saw in Moab:
Ok, moving on, just like we did. The next day we saddled the Volvo up and headed on a long trek south-east. It may be hard to believe, but we'd had just about enough of stunning scenery, so thought we'd do something a little more cultural. We were on our way down to Mesa Verde, where the remnants of Pueblan cliff top dwellings from around 1100 AD still exist. But before we get there, we found one more stop full of true tourist rubbish.
Unfortunately his other hobby was taxidermy, and poor Albert was just as bad at that as at his painting. When his favourite donkey Harry died, Albert couldn't bear to live without him, so stuffed him and put him in the living room. Not just stuffed him, but stuffed him really really really badly. In fact, it's face is so covered in stiches it looks less like he died of natural causes and more like he was an actor in some kind of snuff donkey zombie film.
The $5 we spent on the tour was probably the best value for money in the entire trip. Sadly all our photos are from the kitsch petting zoo outside, but they give you the flavour of the spectacle.
Some online pictures of the house are given at the website below:
Now we return to the culturally significant part of the journey.
Mesa Verde is a national park containing a series of cliff side dwelling inhabited by the Pueblos during the 12th and 13th centuries. They built these amazing structures, lived in them for a couple of hundred years, then mysteriously left them behind and never returned. They were amazing buildings as they appear to be pretty much inaccessible, and very hard to spot. For the most part if you didn't know they were there, there's a good chance you wouldn't see them.
We then began the long trek back into Arizona for the final stop of our tour, the grandest of the canyons. However when we looked at the map we realised with a short detour we could check out another famous American landmark.
Yes, that's right, Monument Valley. I'd love to say it was a worthwhile side trip, but in fact it was probably our least favourite of all the parks we went to. Apart from the vertical pieces of rock, there wasn't much else to see or do, unless you're into native American handicrafts which really didn't do it for us. And considering the amazing sights we'd already seen on this trip, some steep rocks alone wasn't cutting it.
The only thing left for us to do was.................
Onwards! The end of this post is now within sight!
We finally made it back into Arizona and to the edge of the Grand Canyon. And it well deserves the capital letters. As you may have been able to tell, by this stage we were a little 'stunning view'-ed out. It's hard to be continually amazed all the time, and the string of incredible sights we'd seen over the past week was very hard to top. We were so glad we left the Grand Canyon for last, as it managed to overcome our scenery cynicism and get us back to the Zion/Bryce stunned level.
For a while we just took photos from the edge, but it's hard to truly capture just how big this canyon is. I'll post a few photos, but I don't expect any photo to capture how amazing it was to stand at the edge of a canyon that's up to a mile deep.
We needed to get up early as we had a helicopter flight over the top of the canyon booked for 2pm, so in order to get any kind of useful distance down the canyon we had to allocate a long time. All the recommendations say to allow twice as long to come up as go down, so we hiked down for about 2 hours, then just after dawn had to turn around and head back up.
The path down was very tight and at times the drop off the side was quite intimidating. I can see why people would really start to struggle on the hike back up in the middle of summer.
After we hiked back up we had to rush to the airport for the absolute best thing we did on the entire trip - a helicopter ride across the top of the canyon. I've been on a couple of helicopter rides, and in my experience the best rides always have a slightly crazy pilot. When he started playing 'Danger Zone' through our headphones while flying ~20 metres above the treeline, I knew we were in for a good trip.
He then played March of the Valkyries while approaching and then power diving over the edge of the canyon. Wonderful stuff.
He was not actually supposed to go below the rim of the canyon, but as you can see by some of the shots below, I don't think following the rules strictly was in his nature. Anyway, some shots from the ride are below, enjoy.
And that's about it for this part of the trip. Violet Femme and Purple Homme then headed back to Phoenix and then New Orleans with us for the rest of their trip, but sadly I didn't take any photos.
And that's also it for this epic post, hope you enjoyed it as it took most of the day to do. Gator Girl has promised to post next time a summary of the last 8 months. Hopefully she can be a little more efficient than me as it's taken me two posts to cover 1 week.
The fine print.
* Yes, yes I know that Spielberg got it a little bit wrong in the movie and they're not as intelligent or big as he said. And technically the Velociraptors that they put into the movie didn't actually live in Utah**, so the story can't be strictly true.
** But there were similar dinosaurs found in Utah which may have been more like the raptors in the movie than the ones they based the movie raptors on, but that's a coincidence***.
*** I realise no-one cares anymore****.
**** Well, I still care. I bought Gator Girl a dinosaur tooth, but after telling her it was from a dinosaur then had to point out that it was really a Pleiosaur tooth, but it was still 65+ million years old so really that's what counts. And it's a cool looking tooth*****. But accuracy is important.
***** Where was I going with this?
Wow, that's a lot of pictures of rocks! Broadband in the US must be soooo much better than here in Oz. And re: Vista, from what I've heard you're dead on. We're considering a Mac at the moment.
Thanks for keeping us up to date - looks fun.
Reading that was nearly as good as living it the first time! The only thing I'm disappointed you missed was the number of bald-headed eagle sightings, particularly the one in the car park we got a photo of.
Mmmm, rocks. I love the look of the Grand Canyon.
Your helicopter pilot sounds like fun. So long as he didn't come out with "Saigon. Shit." or "I love the smell of napalm in the morning".
By the way, are you going to make it back to Oz soon, Swamp Boy? Let me know. I'm frantically organising everything. Just signed my contract for my new job, also.
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